You change your mind

You change your life

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In The Next 6 Weeks, You Could....

~Lose up to 25 lbs

~Fit into your favorite clothes

 ~Have more energy daily

~Have lower blood pressure

~Decrease bloating & inflammation

~Reconnect with the body you love 

Because you are so worth it!

It’s Time To Focus on Yourself Again

With coaching, accountability and group support, you will be sure to reintroduce yourself to the new you


THE 6 Week Snatch Back Method

What does it entail....

You will meet the best version of yourself through nutrition and lifestyle changes

You will get:

  • Food List/Meal Plan (what foods to eat)
  •  Recipes (how to prepare meals) 
  •  Weekly group coaching & accountability via zoom
  •  2-  1 on 1 sessions with Nurse Ieasha
  •  Text & email communication
  •  Juices recipes
  •  Smoothie recipes

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.


Mastering change & Discovering my why 


Bye Bye Contentment, Hello Commitment


How to break the sugar addiction


How to remain confident in the midst


Managing hunger & increasing satiety


Understanding if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail 



Allows you to evaluate your new lifestyle & explore the progress during group coaching sessions as well as assess your challenges. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own health & weight loss journey.

Before each group session, you’ll get a journaling prompt. This will help your thoughts flow to reflect on your week. During the call, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you and explore any barriers. Most people find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways to navigate challenges and break through barriers that imped on your success with your weight loss journey.

I can’t wait to connect and help you transform!

I'M Nurse Ieasha Monique.

Most would describe me as a mother, wife, nurse and health coach. But in reality, who I am doesn't describe what I've been though. I've been where you are, struggled with my weight & my health however, I made a decision to do something about it & never looked back.

Society makes it easy to choose convenience over preparation, eat fast fatty foods over healthy options & accepting sickness & medication over making changes & committing to a healthier lifestyle

Join me on a journey of healthy eating, healthy choices and unapologetic confidence.

Sign up  TODAY

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



2 payments total $1200

  • Meal Plan, Food List & Recipes
  • Access to 1 new module every 7 days
  • Access to 1 monthly group coaching call
  • Membership to the Evolve Health community
  • Live text support



Best Value

  • Meal Plan, Food List & Recipes
  • Immediate access to all 6 modules
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls 
  • 2- 1 on 1 calls
  • Membership to the Evolve Health community
  • Live phone + text support