Nurse Ieasha Monique


CEO of Evolve Heath Transformations


Meet Nurse Ieasha


Nurse Ieasha Monique is a 17 year experienced registered nurse and Health Coach. Nurse Ieasha’s years of experience in healthcare has spearheaded her passion to impact the lives of women through health and birth her business Evolve Health Tranformations LLC.

 Ieasha has seen through her own personal journey as well as her career experience how serious health conditions can be prevented and reversed with a healthy nutritional lifestyle. Through Evolve she coaches, educates and encourages women to reach their best selves through health and wellness. She is committed to helping women of 40 take back their life, heath and happiness and get the snatched body they deserve without working out.


 She offers programs designed to help women evolve their life, mindset and habits which lead to a smaller waistline. Nurse Ieasha's mission is to change the trajectory of women's life one meal at a time.

Evolve your life with Nurse Ieasha

Find the resources that are right for you.


Eat Mindfully Live Mindfully

This book teaches you how to rediscover health and transform your relationship with food. 

Weight loss program 

This is a results driven weight loss program with coaching and accountability that helps you lose weight without working out. 

More information
Book Ieasha 

Invite Ieasha to provide awareness, education, nutritional guidance & healthy lifestyle promotion at your event, church, company or organization

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